Staff Writer
Behavioralscience is the study of how people make decisions across a range of domains andcultures. While it is not a new field, the presence of behavioural science in mainstreamcorporate America has been growing steadily over the last 20 years. In thisarticle we explore the history of the field, provide expert commentary on wherethe field is heading and why behavioural scientists, and those breaking intothe field, should remain optimistic. We take a deep dive into what a behvaioralscience career is and how to begin thinking through your next steps inbehavioral science.
What does it take to be a bona fide behavioral scientist? Imposter syndrome is one of the most common syndromes for young professionals. In fact, many people come to me to find out how to get a job in behavioral science, many of them who are already full qualified. To make things simple, I have tried to recall all the advice I have been given to anyone looking to join the exciting world of human behavior in industry, government, or academia.
Learn about job opportunities, resources, and advice in your career search.