
Strategy, Research, Politics
10 - 100 Employees


Strategy, Research, Politics
10 - 100 Employees

Our organization was born in the wake of the 2016 election as a grassroots, volunteer-led initiative. Over the next four years, our work took off and we became a team of 30 full-time staff in 2020. From 2016 to 2020 our work focused singularly on designing and quickly mainstreaming field-tested voter engagement innovations that spark Democratic non-activists to mobilize their friends to vote. We succeeded in developing and quickly mainstreaming a suite of elegant, user-friendly and non-proprietary innovations that RCTs suggest yielded over 100,000 net Democratic votes in 2020 swing states. As one example, we designed and quickly mainstreamed ‘polling place vote tripling’. Dozens of major partners used this innovation in 2020, including the Biden-Harris campaign, ultimately resulting in 94,000 canvasser-hours of polling place vote tripling that produced 1,100,000 relational conversations (for context, that’s 5x the 200,000 relational conversations the Biden campaign’s relational app produced). This innovation was featured in The Washington Post, The New Yorker and The New York Times.

Our 2016-2020 work serves as a compelling ‘proof of concept’ that our PAC fills a clear need within the progressive movement. Moving forward, we will work on problems beyond non-activist friend-to-friend voter turnout. The exact problem areas we will work on from 2021-2024 remain to-be-determined (more on this below), but will likely include persuasion, down-ballot dropoff, and enhanced relational voter engagement tactics. To reflect our team’s broader focus, in the summer of 2021 our organization will re-brand from to a new name that reflects our aspiration to serve as the progressive movement's behavioral innovation hub. We will consider our 2021-2024 work to be a success if we design and mainstream one or more voter engagement innovations so widely that our work yields hundreds of thousands of net Democratic votes in the 2024 presidential election.

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